Steven's Gift Book

Steven's Gift Book


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Steven’s Gift, is a beautiful, heartwarming story of Denise’s journey with her son, Steven, and comforting proof that the bond of love and connection between parent and child continues beyond what is called, death.

– Wendy Silvers, Mamas Empowerment Coach / Founder, Million Mamas Movement

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“My Son, My Angel, My Eternal Connection to Heaven.” – The true story of a son’s lasting gift to his mother. Steven’s Gift began the day Denise’s son Steven went home to heaven in 2003. It delves into the depth of her connection with her son through his journey with cancer and their connection together before they were born.

“Shortly after Steven passed, I received a book titled, The Little Soul and the Sun. It came with a message from the sender: This is for Cody, it will help him through his grief as it tells the story of where it all begins, and he’ll soon understand the meaning of it all.  Naturally, I had to read the story myself, before giving it to my son Cody, as I know how vastly different we all see things, especially where the topic of heaven, hell, god, and the angels are concerned.  At this point, I was still questioning all of this myself.  After reading the very first few pages, I immediately fell in love with the story as its lightness drew me in.  I found that a certain aspect of it really touched my spirit.  I was immediately taken back in time to a place in heaven, in which Steven and I had made our decision to both be born, and to share a life together.  I saw us there, sitting side by side, on a magnificent rock, surrounded by the most beautiful ocean, talking about our plans for our life together.  I then remembered exactly what I came here for.”  – Denise

Book Reviews

“Steven’s Gift” is a multi-dimensional, healing book in so many ways. As Denise describes the love that continues between her and her beautiful son, she makes you feel like she is holding your hand. When reading this book, she gives you permission to deal with the pain and suffering you might have regarding a love one you have lost. I lost my dad to cancer this year. Denise’s book provided tremendous healing as she brings light that will pierce your very soul into an awareness of unprecedented Love. She teaches us that love binds us all, and that eternal love and light is necessary for us to live. It is a book of lessons on how the other side really wants us to live. We are not alone and “Steven’s Gift” is a book I will give to anyone who is going through grief. It is powerful and I am honored to know Denise as she brings Steven to life. He is the gift and Denise makes that tangible. Amazing! Xxoo” – Jennifer M. Shaffer | Psychic Medium, Profiler, Author, Seer, Medical Intuitive

“Denise has an incredible way of touching the soul in her poignant story of love and loss. Losing a child is one of the most painful experiences, yet through her personal tragedy and with the help of her son Steven, Denise found her life purpose. Through her love, his soul lives on. Through his love, her purpose magnifies. Steven’s Gift is a story that beholds the raw essence of the love a mother can have for her child. In Steven’s Gift, Denise and Steven unite as mother and son to bring their personal story for the purpose of healing and remembering that our loved ones do live on. This book is not only a labor of love, but a book that all parents should read to remind themselves that their loved ones continuously give us messages from the other side.” – Colby Rebel | Psychic Medium, Spiritual Teacher, Radio Host, Author

“Steven’s Gift is the inspiring story of Denise Willis and her path of healing after the untimely death of her son from cancer. I am a young widow and have found that some stories of grief can be crushing, however this guide positively supports those who have suffered loss and offers helpful advice on how to continue to have purpose in life by connecting to ones’ spirit within. Thank you for sharing your enlightened perspective of acceptance that was channeled from your angel Steven. You both make me believe love and light will return to my life again.” – Britt Aaronson

“This book is a gift to all…a very personal, courageous and soulful journey full of hope, mystery and wisdom. The true story of mother’s love for her son during his life and the deep soulful connection that remains after his passing. The communication that they share even to this day, is astounding and a reminder to us all that life continues on through love. Inspiring, heartfelt and insightful…this story will touch the hearts of everyone who reads it!” – Darin Heames | Actor, Writer, Artist

“Stories find you at those most beautiful time and this journey did just that. It’s reassuring that finding hope, love and healing is possible when loss has happened in your life. Made we want to celebrate those loved ones who are with us and for those who have passed on, after reading this It filled my heart with a white light that I am extremely grateful for. Thank you again for sharing.” – Geno Chapman | Global Guest Artist for Aveda